Back from Dragon Con 2014 with Cosplay pictures!


I have to tell you, it was an experience. A fun one. Both Jason and I had cosplayed before, but never to the extent we had at Dragon Con. (Remind me to share those USO girl pictures. I’m still ridiculously proud of my hat.)

First thing we learned: Atlanta is HOT.

After our mild Philadelphia Summer, it was quite the system shock to walk through the heat of Atlanta in not so breathable costumes. But we persevered! Complaining got us through.

Once we got over that, Atlanta was a lot of fun. The architecture was beautiful, and there were some really fantastic restaurants. Also, that Aquarium? Fantastic. If you’re going to Atlanta, go to the Aquarium.


But, to the part that probably got you here: The Cosplay!

Jason and I went as the Winter Soldier and Black Widow. I made put both of these together (Jason got us our prop guns) and will go in to detail about the process in a later post. But for now, I wanted to say I’m still here and show off some pictures. And I apologize in advance for the weird faces I make in pictures.


dragon con 2014, cosplay, black widow, bucky barnes, winter soldier, natasha romanoff, natalia romonova, costumes, cosplay, marvel

dragon con 2014, cosplay, black widow, bucky barnes, winter soldier, natasha romanoff, natalia romonova, costumes, cosplay, marvel


We also met this wonderful Captain America Cosplayer. Check out his FaceBook Page!


dragon con 2014, cosplay, black widow, bucky barnes, winter soldier, natasha romanoff, natalia romonova, costumes, cosplay, marvel

dragon con 2014, cosplay, winter widow



Did you take a picture of us or with us? I would love to see it! Let me know and I’ll link back to you.


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2 Replies to “Back from Dragon Con 2014 with Cosplay pictures!”

    1. This made my day that you found us! We realized after we got home that we didn’t get any names from all these awesome people we met. I’ll take you in my pictures on facebook, too.

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